A 32 bar Jig for four couples in a four couple set.
For Elaine Goldthorpe teacher of the Waipu Club who enjoys a good Birl.
1-2 | All set. |
3-4 | First couple lead down to between second and third place. |
5-6 | First couple set. Second couple move up and in and fourth couple move in slightly. Third couple move up half a place and slightly out. |
7-8 | First couple half turn with left hand lady finishing facing down near the mens side and man facing up beside her. |
9-16 | Second, first and fourth couples dance right shoulder reels up and down the set, first couple finish facing out towards third couple, first lady facing third man. |
17-24 | First and third couples dance a reel of four across, third couple finish in second place, first couple facing in the middle |
25-30 | First couple do a pivot turn moving down the set finishing in fourth place on own sides, third and fourth couple move up on bars 29-30 |
31-32 | All Set |
Repeat from new positions.
Those who find a pivot turn disorienting may lead down, set and cross to own sides on bars 25-30.
Suggested Music: "A Ring of Friendship" on the record "H.I.S.C.D."
Note: the reels in bars 9-16 are both right shoulder reels but are not parallel reels being like those following set to corners as for example in "The Montgomeries' Rant".